Jan 10, 2004 00:06
i marked the first snowfall of the year with a drop of blood and two thousand some footprints to the place where i hang my heart on a fishing hook. (cup your hands young girl, the blood will eventually drain.)
last year i learned:
i will not live in florida a third time.
falling in love has made me hate distance...and geography.
arabic is NOT a piece of cake.
i should have lived in seattle in 1993, not 2003.
native texans are extremely hott (especially one in particular)
"socializing" with more than two people at a time makes me nervous.
blonde hair + rainy weather don't mix.
dyke bars scare me.
dark eye makeup makes me scream (in a good way)
this certain girl that nuzzles my neck makes me swoon.
ts eliot was right april is by far the cruelest month.
i work too much.
"this music makes me feel uncomfortable," she said, "kind of like your kisses after too much whiskey."