
Jan 15, 2011 15:47

I've been trying to alternate my sleep cycle so I can have more time to be more 'efficient', quote article. Basically, an average person sleeps on a monophasic sleep cycle, in which they sleep around 8-10 hours a day. However, the most important part of those 8-10 hours is the stage 5 REM sleep, the period in which your body repairs itself.

By changing your sleep cycle (from 8-10 hours to like, 2-4 hours), you can go into stage 5 REM sleep immediately, have more vivid dreams, lucid dream, etc, and still be as bright and chipper the next day like a person with 8 hours of sleep, but only with 22-20 more hours of spare time! Apparently.

Due to school, the only one I can really attempt is the Everyman Cycle and the Biphasic/Siesta cycle. Well, I've been on the Biphasic/Siesta cycle since I was 13, so it really doesn't count for much, ha, ha, ha.


I've been trying the Everyman cycle, and I've been an irritable, PMSy, and a moaning, walking zombie for the past three days (for this, I praise my friends who put up with me like this, and on a daily basis with my constant complaining). Of course, I should've tried attempting this over summer vacation, but I have school during summer (prepping for the impending SATs D8), so...might as well try it in the present. Better now than never.

But I've never been one to wake up by myself. I either rely on a)my mom who I deeply appreciate for waking up at 6:30 AM for me everyday, or b) my three alarm clocks.

Usually it's the former. Sorry, Mom. >:

My mom is the one who encourages, nay, forces me to go to sleep earlier, so I can't rely on her if I want to attempt this cycle that only gives me four hours of sleep. Mostly because she wouldn't want to help me try out my experiment (and she is rightly justified, due to the fact that I hate sleeping) and would protest:

"You have school! You sleep earlier! Or you can't go school! Sleep more!"
"You just trying to get out of sleep earlier! No! Not healthy!"

So. Mom: out, alarm clocks: in.

And yet, I'm either deaf when I'm sleeping or my alarm clocks really aren't loud enough. I usually set my alarm clocks at three different times, each five minutes within the other so it'd be a constant, loud, beeping, ringing, and a chorus of "It's a Small World After All", every time I should finish a nap. And yet, it never works.

I either sleep through it, or vaguely remember waking up, walking around systematically, slamming my alarm clocks in their respective areas (by my bed, windowsill, bookshelf 3 feet away...), then promptly going back to sleep. Until I wake up and it's 5 AM in the morning and my homework is still undone.

Oops. And here is where I berate my lack of self-control.

This does happen a lot, even when I'm sleeping on the 'monophasic' cycle. It happens less often, now that I'm in high school, but in middle school...Ha. Ha. Ha. Grades didn't really count in middle school, so I often slacked off and didn't start homework until it was 11 PM or 1 AM. I pulled so many all nighters (in a row, too) that I started drinking gallons of coffee in the morning to keep up with my 'narcolepsy' (which is what I explained to other people when I conked out in class).

That wasn't my best time, ha ha.

I'm probably not one to try out different sleeping cycles until I can control my current, 'monophasic' one. When I can sleep 8 hours a day, I mean, and not procrastinate, duhrur.

(Though the reason why I'm trying a different sleep cycle is because I want more time to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer and still be able to get my homework done and not pull a goddamn all nighter. I fucking hate the feeling of an all nighter. It's like being a living corpse that's on shrooms with stinky breaths and farts. Right now, I completely respect any person who voluntarily pulls a chipper all nighter. I don't even understand how I did it in middle school. It must be the youth! D8)

experimenting, sleep

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