May 23, 2008 18:45
I’ve always been the kind of person to try and predict all the possible out comes of my decisions. For example: If I were president, and made prostitution legal, one could predict at least 2 possible solutions;
1) (worst case scenario) There would be mass “hooking” in all parts of the U.S. every street would be a breeding ground for prostitutes, and the possibility of disease would run rampant. More deaths due to STD’s, lack of education (why go to college, when you can make more money selling yourself?)
2) With prostitution legal, supply, and demand becomes an issue. With more competition, come lower prices. There will be a many of happy congressmen if that’s the case. With prices lowered the idea of being a prostitute becomes less alluring. Due to competition your less likely to get paid more than working at Wal-Mart. (Nothing against people working at Wal-Mart)
My personal opinion; I have no sympathy for individuals who do not take responsibility for themselves. If you are ignorant enough to risk sleeping with a prostitute, or anyone of question for that matter, and contract some disease, and die…good, glad to have you out of the gene pool.
Moving on…
I know Gay marriage has been an issue especially with elections coming up, and the domestic partnership passed by some states.
I recently was watching Ellen Degenerous, and on the show was Senator McCain, who coincidently enough does not agree with the idea of Gay Marriage.
lets look at the outcome of this debate.
What would be the worst case scenario of Gay people being allowed the right of marriage? …
Here’s the problem, I can’t think of anything.
If you look at the major issues of gay marriage, you realize there is no issue.
1) Some will tell you, It lessen the validity of heterosexual marriage. That marriage is union with the purpose of creating and raising children.
Anyone that has done their homework knows that study after study proves that children do well in homes where they are nurtured and loved, regardless of the parents' genders.
Keep in mind, many heterosexual couples choose not to or are unable to have children. Yet, their marriages are considered valid.
2) Some say that homosexuality is not an inborn trait, but a chosen behavior that does not deserve special protection under the law.
I know the above statement is the offspring of pure ignorance, but it is a belief by many and must be tackled. Unfortunately we still have people in America, that try to hide behind political verbiage as a way to disguise their religious belief. These are the same people that once believed that inter-racial couples should not be allowed to marry, or that women should have less rights than men, or that the Sun still rotates around the Earth as stated in
(Gen. 1:9-18) , (Ps. 93:1) , (1 Chron. 16:30), (Job 9:7)
I like to call these people the “pick, and choosers” They pick what they agree with an ignore the rest. Sure it does say a man should not lye down with another man, yet the bible emphasis the same strict code in (Leviticus 11:9-12) & (Deuteronomy 14:9-10) When it tells you not to eat Shrimp, crab, lobster, clams, and mussels. However, as with most ethics in America, ones taste buds prevail.
The point is It doesn’t matter how well you articulate your answer, the fact is you are devaluing another person, based on a difference of opinion.
You are making a statement, that because they are gay, they do not have the right to express their love fully.
It seems as though one would have a good answer or reason for holding to such beliefs. I would at least anticipate some predictable outcome of such devastation that the impact of gay marriage might have on the foundation of America, yet I will not hold by breath.
The only statement one makes by not allowing gay couples the same rights as a straight couples, is that their insecure. The idea that two men or two women can make a marriage work, must be a deep blow to the single mother, whose husband ran off, or the man who has been married 5 times etc. I wonder what kind of effect Britney Spears has had on the “sanctity of marriage“?
Are people too blind to see that maybe just sometimes, their faith gets in the way of reason?
As far Senator McCain’s stance on Gay Marriage,
It’s hard to believe that he has the audacity to run for president of a country that values it’s self on freedom. I can say personally that the only thing older than John McCain in this election, is his beliefs.