Oct 19, 2006 17:23

Well it has been a new day for the last couple here in what used to be the United States of America. I say used to be because those in power have thrown away our liberty, principals, and everything the brave patriots of our past died for just for more power and the illusion of safety to the American people. Gran Moff Dubya has signed into action a bill that makes him Cobra Commander and gives him all kinds of power. Imagine this; you deliver a pizza unknowingly to a house which contains terrorists. By this new act you could be held without your rights because you gave aid and assistance to the enemy. The pizza delivery boy, the paperboy, hell the guy who pumps your gas could all be held without cause under this new act.

Thank you sir for destroy centuries of Habeas Corpus, an ideal, a principal that has been around since the Magna Carta is thrown easily away because the neocons want more power, the ability to do whatever they want and all we have to do is thank this rubber stamp congress. Whatever this administration wants, they will gladly do with a smile on their face and a song in their heart. You all should be ashamed of yourselves, and I damn near feel that you should be tried for treason for what you have done to this country. I for one hope this comes back to bite you all in the ass. Do you realize we persecuted those who used waterboarding during World War 2? We tried them then but now apparently in this new age it is ok, you all have disgraced this once great nation.

This nation was never perfect, it has never had the gleaming white pristine shine that we were all taught in elementary school, but we tried to live up to the standards our forefathers and patriots of this nation tried and fought so valiantly for. Now, these thoughts and lives are so carelessly thrown away for “safety” and to help “win” the “war of terror”. If this does not disgust you I urge you pull yourself from your rock. John Adams, Woodrow Wilson, and FDR all did similar things in their past, but never did they withdraw Habeus Corpus from possibly the entire American Public. You all should be ashamed of what you have done to the greatest country this world has ever known.

I didn’t think I could find something that would shame me more then our sweep from the ALCS, but I obviously didn’t give this administration enough credit. Yes, we were swept, it happens when you don’t know how to manage a ball game and get there on pure talent alone. Macha is gone, thankfully, now I can only hope we spend the money to bring in Giraldi, no matter what the cost.

Earlier today the discussion of my favorite directors was brought up in conversation due to The Prestige coming out and how Christopher Nolan was rising quickly up my charts when it comes to directors. This has led me to come up with my top ten list of Favorite Directors at the current moment in time. Now originally this list was going to be a Top Five but I couldn’t narrow it down that easily.

Honorable Mention-Robert Rodriguez. Now he would have easily made it into the Top Ten but his crappy ass kid movies bumped him off the list. The Mariachi series are some of my favorite action movies, but Spy Kids and Shark Boy/Lava Girl has been like a weight tied to him.

Honorable Mention-Tim Burton. Sadly I haven’t had anything from him lately that made me jump out of my seat and go, “God damn, now THAT’S HOT!” True he has Sleepy Hollow, Batman and Batman Returns, and Beetlejuice, but Charlie, Planet of the Apes and the like hold him back. I look to Sweeney Todd to bring him back into the Top Ten.

10-Clint Eastwood. If he made more movies he would easily be moved up in the list, but it doesn’t hurt that almost every movie he directs goes on to win an Academy Award. Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby are things of beauty all around. Flag of our Fathers and the Japanese equivalent look to be something special and I look forward to seeing both.

9.-Guy Ritchie. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels along with Snatch, one of the UK’s best imports in the last twenty years. I love his movies and he introduced us to Jason Statham, how can you not include Madonna’s hubby?

8.-Terry Gilliam. Brazil, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Baron Munchausen, Monty Python and the Holy Grail. What really needs to be said about one of the best visual directors of our time?

7.-David Lynch. Now my Twin Peaks/Dune love may be getting the best of me, but he also made such classics as Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart and Mullholland Drive. Maybe the craziest director on my list, maybe a good example of genius breeds insanity.

6.-Joss Whedon. So what if he only really has one “movie” direction under his belt, he does have Wonder Woman coming up and we’ve seen plenty of direction on his TV shows. All hail Joss Whedon.

5.-Kevin Smith. New Jersey’s own still has a place in the top five. Perhaps it is a sign of my maturity, growing older, and not being amused as much by dick and fart jokes, but the geek inside of me still loves his work and always will.

4.-Quentin Tarentino. Hollywood’s answer to can someone make a bloodier movie then Hot Shots Part Deux and Robocop combined. I love ALL of his films, even if Jackie Brown is my least favorite of his; even THAT movie has its bright spots.

3.-Bryan Singer. We all were introduced to Mr. Singer with the Usual Suspects, still one of the best who done it movies of our time, nay, ever. He then delivered after a few other movies with two solid X-Men movies followed by one of the greatest Comic Book movies of all time in Superman Returns.

2.-David Fincher. True, it is mainly only because of two movies but what power those movies had. Se7en is one of the darkest and best made movies in twenty years with a great job of acting all around and of course my favorite movie of all time in Fight Club. One thing is for sure, this man is able to get Brad Pitt to act, a true accomplishment.

1.-Christopher Nolan. Yes, that’s right ladies and gentlemen, he has moved in to the number one slot. A man who makes a movie about magicians staring Batman and Wolverine deserves the number one slot. Batman Begins is the quintessential Batman movie and The Dark Knight looks to be even better then BB. Memento is a truly fabulous movie along with that, so no short change there.
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