Last night I attended a movie with some folks near and dear to me. This movie, one that has been talked about by many political commentators, may be the most frightening thing I have ever seen on screen. Event Horizon, Poltergeist, these movies cannot hold a candle to this movie. Sure, I feel uneasy watching those two movies, but they do not shake me to the core like this movie.
Jesus Camp is the most frightening thing about this country currently happening, in my humble opinion.
These people are Evangelicals, which when we think we might have thoughts about info-mercials on Sunday morning asking for money, or Steve Martin. Sadly, it’s not as pathetic as those events, they are downright unimaginable. They go after children, to teach children to be warriors for God. The following are some of the most unimaginable things that are portrayed in the movie.
Mrs. O’Brien, mother of Rat-Tail, home schools her children. According to her if she can teach her kids as well as the schools, she will. Sadly she is about inept as the Florida State offense at this point.
• According to Mrs. O’Brien, Galileo was killed for going from Astronomy to Christianity. Sadly,
that is far from the truth.• Did you know that Global Warming is a lie because the temperature has only rose 0.6% over the last four years?
• Did you know that public school teachers will yell at you and call you stupid for believing in creation?
I wish I was making this up kids, I really do. Hell, did you know Harry Potter was a Warlock and not a wizard and that he really exists? I mean he must, because if he lived during the Old Testament apparently he would have been killed a no longer have been a fictional character. Also, contrary to what science tells you, a baby at seven weeks old has developed all his limbs, ears and everything else.
The saddest thing is they see George W Bush as a HOLY FIGURE! I kid you not!
One positive part of the movie did come from a Christian.
Mike Papantonio, a Christian I can respect. Papantonio is a Christian who understands the message of Jesus Christ of love, tolerance, and compassion; a message that in my experience most Christians do not follow. Near the end of the movie he takes this leader, Becky, to task on air. Sadly his show is only on Saturdays so I don’t know if I’ll ever get to listen to a show, but I’m going to attempt to.
The man who prompts the kids to, whom up to know have been speaking Klingon…or in tongues, either or, is the kind of guy you look at sideways. The easiest way to describe him is a carney who found God and loves, and I mean LOVES, children. I would NEVER let this guy around my kids, specially after he makes a come on to a girl he put duct tape on. This is also the same asshole who tells the kids that a baby at seven weeks looks like it’s almost ready to be born and not protoplasm, “whatever THAT is.”
If you truly want to see the face of the country’s TRUE enemy, go see this movie. This is a powerful movement that is gaining force. They pledge allegiance to a Christian flag, and this family’s father is a Captain in the Army! If you ask me, that is almost cause for a case that it is treason. You do not give that pledge to the bible, to the Christian flag, or anything else if you are an OFFICER in the United States Army. It is a frightening view of the extreme right that has taken control of the Republican Party. If you feel there is nothing to be concerned about right now, this will open your eyes. I have a friend who went with us who is religious but not political. This made her sick and now wants to get more involved in a counter attack against these wackos.
Keith Olbermann has hit many home runs in the past few weeks, but that link is not only a home run, it is a grand slam. He is knocking people out like his name is Tyson and this is 1987. Not only that, he is doing so well that his ratings are actually beating those of Bill O’Reily now, take that scooter!
The Daily Show asks the question we all want answered, what is President Bush’s job?
Finally, we can leave it to some
I’m guessing British guy to call it like he sees it, or in other words, Condi Rice delusional without a firm grasp on REALITY.
Big weekend, BIG weekend, and it all starts at 4:05 Eastern time today. Oakland will finally move on to the next round of the playoffs, finally, after vanquishing the honorable Minnesota Twins. Then, tomorrow at 3:30 Eastern Time is the annual Red River Shootout where we will once again make OU our personal bitch.