2 worst idoiots from ASU

May 15, 2008 09:56

I can honestly say this past year of college has to have been the worst one yet, it was frustrating, depressing and down right disappointing. Now I could talk all day about the reasons that some of it was my fault, but I will try to be shorter than that and more to the point. There are two specific people at ASU that frustrate, annoy, and disappoint me more than any others. Michael Crow, and Lisa (Man Hater) Love. One is a money grubbing panderer that could care less about ASUs future, and more about their own name being heralded as a pioneer in their field for doing something no one else has done before, the other... Is, well they are same exact fucking thing.

Michael Crow is far more interested in building new buildings to slather his “New American University” brand all over than supporting the programs and buildings all ready in place. While Lisa Love will do all she can to hinder men’s sports so she can run some soft of female centric college sports organization. As opposed to fair and equal attention give to both teams, not to mention just flat out get rid of things she doesn’t think are appropriate as a man hating bull dyke lesbian.

I am a Polytechnic student and there is a shit load of new construction blowing up all over the place, yet meanwhile back in my school, there are teachers teaching around 9 classes a semester who are there teaching class some days till 9 pm at night only to have to be there the next morning at 7:00 am. I see why ASU locks them in with these contracts that just make them their bitch until the contract is up. With these supposed state budget cuts, that the state seemingly as imposed in almost full force on ASU while neglecting the other 3 universities in this state. Though Michael Crows claims of state budget I find dubious when I see all of the ridiculous amounts of construction going on, and my wallet is still being bled dry by this dump for parking tuition increases and the over priced god damned food I am stuck paying for because after all the other ridiculous fees from ASU I am left to barley afford gas to drive some where with healthier more affordable food.

The saddest part and most over looked part of this whole thing with Michael Crow’s building of the “New American University” is the lack of teachers to support these new programs so existing teachers simply have entire programs dumped on top of them in addition to their already existing class load. This past year I watched as some of my favorite teachers went from being really cool and always having time to assist students and usually being in a good mood and having time to help further the education of their students, do basically having no time to talk to students about their class work for more than maybe 5 minutes. The answer I am now regularly given is “It’s in your syllabus,” then that’s about it. Beyond that they are just frustrated all the time and regularly pissed off and more often that not the students are the ones suffering as a direct result of the teachers being over worked and at the end of the day the reality of it all is the students wind up learning less because they get less help from their instructors. Now I know many universities have the same problems, but these are not 100 + student classes, these are classes with max of maybe 30 students, and these aren’t your typical professors from a research university, these were instructors that have some experience, or tons of experience in industry and are were generally exceedingly helpful towards students, and now, now that they are teaching 9 - 10 classes a semester literally all day long, it is a fairly a sad thing to see the destruction of worthwhile educators, turned into the “New American Instructors,” who are used as a general business model of how to use up and spit out teachers before they can stay long enough to get tenure, which with Michael Crow’s history with giving tenure its easy to see that’s his plan is to make sure each school knows to load up good teachers with tons of classes and let them burn out on the whole education field as fast as possible to avoid tenure because there is always a fresh crop to ruin. The New American University will be the eventual down fall of ASU and any other college administration that sees what Michael Crow is doing out here and things “hey that could work,” They treat fucking instructors and students like a fucking commodity and so long as our money comes flooding in, they could give two fucks if we get a useful education! Instead existing programs are taking the brunt of the budget cuts to favor more construction of new buildings, not for the existing programs, but new programs with only a fraction of the students most existing tuition creating programs have! So at the end of the day as future ASU alum, I will never give a damn thing back to this place, not until Michael Crow is gone.

This Lisa Love person claims to not be a man hater, but most logical people know actions speak louder than words. Lisa Love would do away with men’s sports in general if Baseball Basket Ball and Football didn’t bring in the cash that lets her keep her job and keep decimating other sectors of the schools male sports foundation. She is lucky Dennis Erickson did as good a job with the football team as he did, as well as Herb Sendik with the basketball team. Those two hires alone will probably keep her in her job for awhile. Though doing away with the cheerleading team is probably the most down right offensive and heinous thing she’s done to date. Every major PAC-10 school has a cheer leading team and those poor girls no longer have something to look forward to every weekend. Now I will admit it is probably not going to parlay them into some future as an NFL, NBA or other type of cheerleader making tons of cash, but they no longer get to be part of the pageantry that is college football! Lisa love has more than once tried to piss all over the student section of men’s football more than once. I know many people who just flat out canceled their season tickets, not just students but full blow fully paid season tickets because of Lisa Love’s blatant disdain for men’s football. She hates football the most because she cannot replace it with some women’s team and expect people to show up because regardless of what her and some other PC fuckwads might say, women’s sports are just not as exciting or played with the same damned intensity as men’s!!! Get it through your thick fucking head you stupid sow!

She is using section 9 as an excuse to destroy 4 means teams including swimming and wrestling, under the auspices of these dubious state budget cuts. She is just another stupid bull dyke man hating lesbian trying to undo the no longer male dominated college sports world and she would love to see the day when there are no cheerleaders anywhere and there is nothing, but women’s sports at ASU. It pisses me off most because the only god damn thing I can enjoy here anymore after Michael Crows decimation of worthwhile existing programs, like the one I am currently in, is the god damned football team. The day she managers to fuck up the football team is the day I become a fucking Wildcat!

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