Family -_-

Jun 16, 2006 22:47

So here i am in Maine once again. Dealing with family i don't particularly care for. If that wasn't annoying enough I am reminded of a fact i don't usually care to think of. My father is an alcoholic, a functional one i suppose, but an an alcoholic none the less. It is at it's worst when we are visiting family and friends or when they are visiting us, he prefers to drink to exess when there are others drinking with him, and since i won't he has to wait for company. That doesn't mean he doesn't drink at home or alone, but he drinks less, he doesn't usually get drunk when there is no one but my mom and I around, but i can't think of a single evening he's gone with out at least 2 beers. At least he's not an angry drunk, but it's not only annoying but it's embarassing that he feels the need to pal around with me like this when he's like this, he suddenly thinks we're best buds and that I should just roll with the joke of it all. I'm not exactly sure why I feel the need to prattle on about this but fuck it it's my LJ and i can bitch and whine all i like

In less whiney emo news, I finished the second book in Jim Butcher's newer series. It's called Acadamys Fury i think, the first one was Furys of Caulderon. the name of the series it's self escapes me at the moment. I'm really enjoying the series so far, and i'm still a big fan of his first series The Dresdin Files. i'll be picking up the next book from that series that i need to read (though not the newest book in the series) on Wensday.

Guess thats all for now, heh what do ya know seems like a real post or somethin
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