Carpe Diem...Make your lives extraordinary

Aug 12, 2014 13:41

I don't usually speak about things that have nothing to do with me, but I feel like I should chime in with my two cents and speak about something and someone highly influential to me.

Dead Poet's Society is my favorite movie of all time and the topic I will focus on (What Dreams May Come is another movie that he made another huge influence on me, but that's another rant). The movie always invokes a heart string symphony of emotions inside me, conflicting each other like oil and water, somehow perfectly complementing each other yet always a futile dance. The movie both depresses the hell out of me to the point of uncontrolled sobbing yet completely inspires me and reignites my passion to live life to the fullest. To always be searching, even though painfully aware that we will never get what we want in the end. The movie cemented my love of poetry, culture and art. To think and live outside the box. To pursue architecture, photography, and always have the travel bug. To be unabashedly hedonistic and live for myself and not others, but also keeping in mind to never take my friends and family for granted. (I work on these things constantly). That even though the fact that I'm sitting here, staring off into space, thinking of all the ways to die, I'm also dreaming of all the ways to live. I won't even try to pinpoint all my favorite quotes from the movie, because the whole damn movie is my favorite quote.

I will quote, however, my favorite quote. The one I live by. And I first heard it in this movie, and became obsessed with Henry David Thoreau forevermore. (I am aware there are several versions of this quote, but this is my favorite/and from the movie)

"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. To put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived."

I don't think anyone else could have done as good of a job playing John Keating as Robin Williams did. And, I wouldn't have wanted anyone else. So, even though I never met you, even as a character portrayal, thank you for illuminating it, and influencing me in some profound way, as many others have been.

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