me: oh, have you seen the Scrabble Attack commercial that has the jingle that states "You might get aids"?
Bjorn: i haven't
me: wait, it's called "Uno attack"
Bjorn: i don't get it
me: here's a clip it's better in context of the entire commercial
Bjorn: ha
me: freshfromrikers (YouTube Name)
I don't see how this got past everyone within Mattel and whatever ad agency was working on this. When they say UNO "attack" they're not kidding!
it's pretty funny
Bjorn: ha
me: I was doing something on the computer when it came on at my house and I was like "Did they just say I might get aids?"
Bjorn: new meaning to viral
me: and R_____ was like "did they say you might get aids?"
hahaha "new meaning to viral"
good one
Bjorn: thx
me: you should go on tour
Bjorn: i know
me: Bjorn L_____ - Online Stand Up
Bjorn L_____ - Log In, Stand Up!
HBO special
1 hour, none of that 30 minutes crap
Bjorn: ha