Title: Prompt 2: Darkness
deadoralive0013 Prompt by: myself XD
Pairing: Ryden
Rating: PG13 (but I’m not really sure)
POV: 3rd
Summary: (AU) Professor Ross was to interview a death row prisoner. Instead of a muscleman with tattoos and beard, he faced with a young man with an unsettling smile.
Warnings: Angst, slash, UNBETA-EDNESS
Beta: none
Disclaimer: I
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Anyhow, I love the plot and every thing, I only wished it was longer. I felt like I was there, the details are amazing. I used to be claustrophobic and this kind of scared me a little bit, poor Ryan.
I can't really find the words to describe how I feel about this, this is just so good! *reads again*
I've never been claustrophobic but I do fear heights and clowns. fucking clowns. There's just something about them that... Anyway... sorry I couldn't make this fic any longer. I'll try to write another one-shot this weekend but no promises. :)
you're scared of clowns? why is it so hard to believe that? let's see, oh look! the mad hatter looks like a clown, there's a zombie clown on top of your page, you totally fear clowns. haha just kidding man, I believe you, they are creepy.
ok dude, have a nice weekend :)
Guess you can't be at my birthday party then T_T
haha jk I'm going to hire Jollibee instead.
Wait, so you never eat at Mcdo? XD
I actually never thought about that, hahaha! He's some kind of monster I guess, he reminds me of Tinky-Winky, maybe they're related. Grimace is an expression right? I don't even know. All I know is he used to be evil, that's what my parents told me. Uhh... he's a purple monster, he may be a long lost relative of Tinky-Winky or Barney, maybe he's their kid. Am I still making sense? XD
lol... What a bizarre thought! A cross-breed of the purple teletubby and the singing dinosaur is a very disturbing thought. haha. The popular theory at univ is that Grimace is actually a... taste bud. He's got to be something that has to do with food right? Pretty lame, I know, but others also say he's a big blob of... maybe an unpopular sundae flavor that went phase out. haha... but yeah, I think he's a taste bud. Or an ube ice cream that the public hated.
It was just an idea haha! Oooh that makes sense, a taste bud ei? Not really lame, but weird, just plain weird, a taste bud as a mascot? Really now? Well it's original haha! I like that ube ice cream idea, haha! Whatever Grimace is, I think he's pretty cool haha!
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