Sep 29, 2008 05:00

I'm still alive. I think the only reason that I've delayed posting anything is because I'm too damn lazy to take three hours and post all about Cambridge and my European travels, but I swear that I'll do it sometime after class.

Anyway, I just got back from Santa Cruz today. I went up with Christina and Chyl to visit and attend a few birthday parties. It was a fun time. I managed to see a lot of people and the entire campus. It really is a pretty place. However, it'll probably be my last adventure anywhere outside of the Southern California area for a few months. It's back to school for me. On the subject of school, I have my first real day tomorrow. I had one class Thursday, but I think that I'll be dropping the class. The course title is Topics in Japanese History, so I thought the class would cover various historical aspects of the country, but it turned out to be solely on the history of Japanese science. If there's anything that I learned from my Philosophy of Nature course this summer, it's that the history of science isn't really my thing. So yea, I'm currently trying to crash a few different courses. It's either I take Filipino History, which really isn't the class that I thought I would be taking, or some Asian-American History course with Anish. I may just end up taking both though, since I have to take four classes at some point this year.

The month of October seems fairly busy for me. My next weekend is totally booked and I already bought my ticket for Hard Fest on Halloween. There are also tentative plans for me going to Vegas too. That should be fun since I'm 21 now. I need to start saving up for all these things though, but it doesn't look like I'll be getting paid for the next few weeks. Along with the normal obligations, like school and work, I have to apply for the JET Program. I also want to start some sort of long-term saving fund so I'll have money to buy nice things for myself when I'm fifty.

Jesus Christ. It's 5AM already.

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