Nov 07, 2007 19:38
Despite that fact that my best friend is off at college, I admit that I have some awesome people to hang out with and love this year. Their names are as follows:
They are some of the coolest people I've ever met. Because of them, my senior year is and will be as fun as I could have hoped. They don't start drama, they don't piss and moan, they are fun, they are funny, and they've helped me to become someone that I always hoped I could be. Because two of my friends from marching band last year weren't in it this year, I feel as though they've adopted me and took me under their wing. And I am completely happy that they did.
I love them. And I always will remember them for what they've done for me.
Hopefully I've done something for them that they will always remember me.
So today was auditions for the musical, and I was very nervous throughout the day. I would think about the song, and then I'd feel like I had to puke. Then 8th and 9th period physics came and I was like oh dear light! just get me out of here. I left at the bell, hurried to my locker cuz I had to go to the bathroom before the whole process. And then Kyle came to my locker and I just HAD to ask for a good luck kiss. He kissed my cheek! I think he's a very lucky person because apparently my audition went rather well. I admit that I am a modest person, sometimes too modest, which may seem like I actually am not modest at all and that I am pretending to be overly modest because I know I'm good....not the case. I don't take compliments well. If someone, like they did, came up to me and said I was "awesome" or "amazing" I just kinda laugh and go thank you and turn away. I can't take people flattering me. I don't know what it is. I just cant. And its strange. There were plenty of people I didnt hear but I am just too anxious about tomorrow.
Deep breath. Let go. Jump in.