Oct 28, 2002 03:20
i just got home from josh's.
i told my parents i would be home early.
i planned on it - really i did.
only whenever i put my jacket on to leave something clicks that just makes me stay.
i got another "move out" comment from my mom.
[which is ironic since josh told me again to move closer]
i've put my ass on the line for this boy twice already. it's crazy. it is.
i had EXACTLY $4 for the cab from the train station
- by EXACTLY i mean 1 $1 bill, 2 $2 coins, 2 quarters, 2 dimes, & 5 nickels.
only...there were no cabs for an hour so i had to walk home from the queens station
way shady. i've never done it before. scary.
now...sleep - i have work in the morning