i hate it when bands break up before i even knew who they were!

May 31, 2002 16:18

listening to far too much of park ave, what can i say? i adore the synthy cheesey poppy twee sounds of bored omaha kids. they mostly consist of female vocals too, which is a little shocking...since i don't really like female singers very much, just a handful that i really like a lot.

[including Carrie & Corrine of S-K, Björk, Isobel & Sarah of B&S, Kathrine Hannah, Beth of Porishead, Sarah Nixey of Black Box Recorder, Nina of The Cardigans...Kimya and...nope, that's about it]

but, i've veered off the subject i was indended on writting about [as usual]. I've recently discovered the ultra-cuteness of Park Ave in the song "Invitation To A Closet"...Conor actually makes a kissy sound after saying "when she kissed me"! This song makes me all tinglely and happy inside, it really is too cute for it's own good i think.

I am finally feeling better and don't look as sickly as i have all week! [perhaps not wearing pj's all day helped giving me that impression]

I fear running into familiar faces when in Penn Station waiting for the train home tonight, I just like not seeing anyone I know from high school...since...well, i don't really like anyone...and liked just a few people throughout highschool. Wait, rare exceptions: Kristin Capelli & Meghan. I should call them, i really should...but who knows when I actually will.

S-K just came up on random...I'm really annoyed that I'm going to miss seeing them yet ANOTHER time, and for free too! They're playing the siren festival...I shouldn't really whine since I am going to get to see my 3 favorite bands while I'm away...but still...it's sleater kinneyyyyyy
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