Apr 09, 2002 09:48
first and foremost, i fucking love new york with my whole heart. last night's strangeness escalated to so many chapters i don't know if i will be able to tell the tale perfectly, but alas...i will try my best to make an account of what happened last night.
thanks to kevin i got the notes for my history exam and once i finished copying them i rushed off to the train station to make sure to get to shea's on time. 15 minutes late darn! we had dinner fun for a little too long, which left me 20 minutes late meeting up with Tavish - but that turned out to be fine. The venue was empty at 9pm which was odd since that was the time the show was supposed to begin. Max was standing right in front of me, quite remarkable as he's been a ghost often spoken about for the past few months, i small talked about music and tried to find out some info on new bands. whirlwind came on stage and stole my heart with bloody fingerprints on a bass guitar and spastic atdi like singer moves. laura got there and i wanted to toss my cookies all over the place i was in such a bad mood. i smoked a cigarette to ease my nerves and get rid of my boredem during brenden benson's set jenn showed up right in the middle and shortly after she got there i felt really sick.
we went downstairs, and passed that ian guy from m2 on the way down there. sitting on the couch i whined about how boring the set was and how much i loved whirlwind heat, just as i am feeling better cue nick valensi walking in and straight to the bar. my heart jumped ou of my chest watching his new haircut in the dim lights, i spazzed, i shook, i panicked, jenn dragged me back upstairs after i insisted on waiting longer to just watch him for longer. brendon had ended and the white stripes were about to come on stage, someone who we think was bette midler danced to some crappy rock band in the balcony above us, and i was feeling rather shitting and was convinced that i wouldn't enjoy the show as much as everyone has been ranting and raving about. i don't love the white stripes, but i like them.
when they came on stage and started their set i thought it was pretty good, but hadn't captured my heart yet. cue hotel yorba and silly pogo jumping up and down with jenn to get me happy, suddenly someone oh so familiar to us all was standing alongside me. Sir Julian Casablancas he greeted us with a drunk stare and mumbled about how it looked better to see the show from there. we all rocked out while julian gaped and shouted "fuck you" "fuck yeah" "you fucking rock" between songs. we're going to be friends came on and julian started to tease jack
"nice ass!!"
i responded to julian kiddingly...shhh julian! i love this song!
"haha, i just wanted to comment on his ass, i wanted to compliment his fine buttocks" and smiled
i giggled and on went the show
julian hung around till the end of the set before their encore, he wasn't there to recieve a pretty red tulip from meg white and grin with happiness. the show was fantastico, jack is a ripper on the guitar and meg's too fucking cute for words. the best was when she fucked up 'you're pretty good looking' and jack tried to teach her how to drum telling her to drum on the rim one...two...three...four. he sang without playing guitar while the crowd clapped along [including our beloved JC], it was great.
on the way to the coatcheck we ran into a very drunk welsh, Rhys Ifan you know SPIKE from notthing hill [i've thought i've seen him like a hundred times at different shows and i finally did] after that we ran into a very drunk albert, i greeted him happy and recieved a blank stare with a delayed response, he then waved at my face and said hi. jenn wished him a happy birthday, he thanked her, hugged her, and said he was too fucking drunk and had to get out of there. nicolia was being chatty with some boy in front of us waiting for our coats which was funny to see. mike mills of REM sat in a booth chatting with some people being all cool and rock star.
once i got my coat we left...i phoned fo who kept saying "sorry but fuck you guys!" which had me near hysterics, i ran off to grand central only to find myself with no train to board, it took me 45 minutes to get back to union square, jenn and i studied in the lounge till 4am [i took a nap on the couch a bit before that] then went up to her room. slept till 7, caught the train at 7:37, got to the apartment at 8:15...studied. I went to history and took my exam which I think I did pretty well on thank GOD for Kevin lending me his notes, I would have failed otherwise. I am going to pass out sometime during the day from exhaustion I'm sure, but it's fine...all has worked out well.
I <3 julian, all of the strokes as well...especially for all being there last night, jack & meg for being so ultra funky, new york for being so magical, jenn for housing my unlucky arse, tavypoo for the camles that made julian happy and you know...stuff!
the strokes,