| WoW - compilation of Carol's gayness 11/29 |

Nov 29, 2006 12:33

It's been nearly a month since my last entry, and from the looks of it I've still been getting a pretty good amount of views so-- I figured it was time to update the LJ once again. I figured I'd start off by saying that since Carillo has moved to another server on WoW to be with some of his Zenmetsu buddies, its going to take a little while longer to compile images, but nonetheless, I'll keep updating when I have enough to warrant an update.

First off, as usual... lots and lots of Carol moments which I'll start off with in the first LJ cut. Its' amazing the things you can get Carol to say when he's warmed up with his faggotry. Just need a few of his buddies around to get him going with the gayness. Here's some examples:

In between Carol's antics, while trying to get some PvP action done and progress through the ranks, we were graced with a few of these:

After which-- the epic GMOTD changes back and forth between Carol and Chappy, at times this was very hilarious and this was during my waits in between waiting for Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch battleground queues:

And finally to wrap up this post.... I decided to take the UI that Neorei uses for a spin to see how functional it is in my style of play. Actually seems to be a very good UI, though it does take a little bit of getting used to as you'll see in the following pics.

And finally last but certainly not least... since I see a multitude of people have been posting their HKs, figured I'd post mine as well:

See you again. ^^:
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