Okay Now I do. I folded 2h4h top hairy john in limit holdem when the boar was Ac Ah 5h 5c. It was a kill pot so the odds were terrible. But that's a wierd case.
And this seems wierder.
called 11 more with 8
out of bb in 2./3
I checked./ pfr bets 25, button who is very loose called. I called.
I check. Pfr bets $75. button calls. I have only 150 left and can't imagine I have more than one out.
River 10
where's the BARF emoticon? PFR checks. button bets 100 all in. pfr folds. button shows A
DMW: I'm gonna be sick, we're even [I had kickered button on first hand]
B: you had the 8? I was worried
PFR: I had 9 7, I knew the flush was coming.
DMW: Wait you flopped 2pair
PFR: Yeah and I filled up on the turn. But on the river I knew he had the flush.
That's a really wierd lie to tell. all the night the PFR was just wierd enough that it could have been true.