Mar 15, 2006 12:13
You are just that and much more. You are every nasty ugly word that comes through my mind. The worst thing you are is a COWARD...and a sneak.
It is obvious that the person who is sending Jamie's filtered posts to Dan is:
A. Jealous of Jamie
B. Feels inferior to Jamie
C. Has an embarrassing crush on Dan
D. Is a disloyal low life in the extreme.
If I were in Dan's place, I wouldn't want someone so low down and conniving to be my friend, either. How can you look yourself in the mirror? How can you live with yourself? It is obvious you are petty, but is your life really so boring and sad that you feel compelled to try to make trouble for someone else ON LJ, for God's sake? Someone, whom I am sure, has never done anything to you? Think about it. Realize how pitiful you are. Do you really think this is endearing you to Dan? I mean, what else can your motive be? If that is what you think, then I suggest you think again, because your childish, low-life, petty antics can only be seen as loathsome and two-faced. Who would want to be friends with someone so cheap and ugly? You have mental problems. What would you be doing with your sad life if you didn't have the internet? Setting kittens on fire? Wow.
You will never be Jamie.
Look like Jamie.
Have what she has.