So that you don't have to worry about keeping track of your meals, we have several meal plans availible which you can upgrade or downgrade at any time.
◊ Standard Meal Plan: Rations only. Free.
◊ Basic Meal Plan: Includes lunch and dinner. The equivalent of "prison/cafeteria" food, and the quality is variable. 500 CP/month.
◊ Normal Meal Plan: Includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The equivalent of an "okay" restaurant, but the quality is pretty much average. 800 CP/month.
◊ Extended Meal Plan: Includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks a day. The equivalent of a good restaurant, and the food is always good. 1100 CP/month.
◊ Super Meal Plan: Unlimited food, and of excellent quality. 2300 CP/month
Comment here with which meal plan you would like. You're welcome to change at any time.