Jan 02, 2010 02:00
I seriously need to make a better attempt of keeping up with this damn journal. I haven't documented anything really this year. It is such a waste. I keep a journal in my desk at work locked up so if I have something that I need to get off my chest, it can be done so more efficiently. VERY limited internet access at work... not that I even have time for it. I am constantly busy at work and constantly learning. I have been working anywhere from 40-60 hrs a week.
No excuses though... I need to keep myself centered. I also need to keep up with everyone. I feel like I have missed out on so much.
Oh... we are heading up to NJ in either March or April.. No definite days have been determined yet, but we are definitely driving up for a long weekend. Probably leave on a Thursday and arrive back here on like Monday evening. Might bring the puppy with us! :) Gonna try to find some place to stay... maybe by my grandmother.. not a clue yet! Details to follow.
road trip,