my parents are taking it well..
my hair that is..
I'm glad.. I didn't need another lecture about how my doing what I want with MY hair is selfish and a major form of rebellion and an "act against god"
I came home with my hoodie hood on and when my mom asked whats new I just went "heh" and then I broke the news to her after asking her not to be mad I pulled off the hood.. shes like "well what do you want me to say" I told her "nothing" and she said "well there ya go.. I just find it funny you did something to yourself and you asked me not to be mad" she asked me if I was ahpopy with it and I told her oh yea! I love it! cept the sides are really really short.. cause when I cut it it was un even so bunny suggested we shave it so it grew back even...
heh... that was about it.. and we left the hair concept alone.. my step dad didn't seemed suprised at all which concerns me.. he should have gone beserk.. I guess I should just be happy then..
but.... I changed my mind again.. its a mowhawk for sure now.. its all 2 ish inches long and my bangs (which are combed to the side) are red and the back is purple with random light purpleish red streaks throughout it.. and the sideburns are plum
the back is purple I promise ... my web camera is just crappy
and those wings I said I'd show you oh so long ago.. theres only one here theres another wing on the other shoulder blade just like it.. I'm going to gat barbs all around the wire and I'm contemplating spiderwebs as a fill in in the empty spaces but I have to wait a year with that idea.. thats my policy
I know I havnt taken pictures of me in a loooooooong time
anyways I drew a really good picture last night and I wanna put it up here on my journal.. I just dunno.. I'm apranoid bout photo theives... theres another picture I want to put here I drew 2 months ago.. I really havnt drawn much of anything in the last 2 months.. heh..