
Jun 01, 2008 01:24

Tonight while I was driving home from getting a splint for my pinky finger (which I think I may have broken today while trying to separate the dog I am watching for my friend and another dog) my car started making a weird noise. The RPM's went way up and I started to hear a grinding noise. I thought maybe one of my tires was flat and my car didn't want to go on the rim. I tried to continue going very slowly down the street but as I went to turn onto the next road my car totally stopped. Then when I switched it into park, there arose a horrid metallic grinding/rattling noise from the hood. And the car began to roll backward until I put my emergency brake on.

Luckily a police officer happened to be coming in the other direction at that very moment (the only bit of luck I have had today). He helped me try to get my car into the parking lot about 20 feet ahead of me (no such luck, in any gear), then had to push the car into the lot himself. Then I had to get towed 1.9 miles to my house, which cost me $85.

So, the unanimous opinion is that my transmission decided to die tonight. With no prior warning at all.

My credit card is essentially maxed, I am on a budget that doesn't allow for any extra spending whatsoever, and I have no car insurance.

The only choice left is whether I should go with pills or the carotid artery. Obviously gas is out since my car can't even make it to the garage, har har. (Pathetic attempt at a joke) Why does this shit have to happen to me when I'm trying to fix everything? Can the universe not just be satisfied with my love life crumbling and my finances being in ruins?

I want to give up.
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