What were weetabix thinking? Seriously.. Oatibix do NOT taste like weetabix at all. They suck all the milk up like a sponge so that even if you had it SWIMMING in milk it turns into a solid mush o'crap. Currently I am looking at something to that description stuck to my damned spoon. *shakes fist*
My feel good music of the moment is definately 'The postal service'. 'Give up' is a great album and it makes me feel good inside. Other favourites are 1998 Best of Swing and other various Swing music. What I also love about the postal service is that original the The US postal service were going to sue them over the name... now they just have their CD's for sale:
http://shop.usps.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductCategoryDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10001&catalogId=10152&categoryId=11814 This has been a random update of nothingness. Except that I've been majorly re-evaluating my life and what I want. I felt so ... unenthused about what I'm doing. I don't know why. I know I want more than this though. I know that what seems to give me passion in my life is .. well.. it's something most people don't want to hear about. I'm really evaluating what I want. If/when (depending how positive I'm trying to be) I get into 4th year I'll take it. I spent too long here to not get a degree but.. if I don't... I wonder will I just leave science. Do something else. For the very first time in my life I'm not sure if Science is what I want and that's something I've known since I started doing it in 1st year of secondary school. I no longer find a solace in it.