I have no idea if anyone ever comes here anymore, but for what it's worth: I'm obviously never here. Likely won't be again, unless I decide to do a brain-upheaval and start treating this like an actual journal.
All of my new stuff, and the old stories I felt were worth it, is posted at
AO3. I won't be deleting any of the older (embarrassing) stuff
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It's funny your prediction about it turning pretty soap opera-y, though--I was listening while my mom watched an older procedural (Cold Case? Something like that), and wow--might have just been the one episode like that, but it was very ... Corruption in the department, oh no! (Oh no.) Oh no--how could you DO this to me, Doris? (But I love you.) I have to go now. (Why couldn't you just leave things alone?) We're police officers, we're supposed to enforce the law, not break it. *exit with dry eyes, dramatic music*
SPN does have its occasional moments like that, but--I've been sort of chewing on the "Mental illness in the MCU" post you reblogged over on Tumblr. And I think (for the most part) SPN handles that sort of thing with surprising grace--especially when you factor in its genre. Considering some of the longer emotional arcs: grief over their father's death, Sam's addiction to Ruby and her blood (and lies), growing mental instability, anger and eventual forgiveness over perceived betrayal.... Very rarely have these been used as excuses for false drama, or simply ignored once it's time for the pat ending. (There are very few pat endings in SPN.)
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