So this is the second installment in my life in high school. Well, I woke up at 6 AM this morning and took a shower before sitting down to eat my Lucky Charms. My thinking is if you eat Lucky Charms before an important day you'll do good. So did this delicious breakfast cereal help me when I got to school?
When I finally found my homeroom and sat down I was introduced to Mrs. F(because I forgot her name). Mrs F is a French teacher and happens to have a French accent. The only drawback-she's old. So maybe I'll have to wait for French class to get my sexy French teacher. When we got out locker assignments, my locker wouldn't open, even after two upperclassmen tried the lock and couldn't get it open. So I went back and asked Mrs. F if I could have another locker, turns out she doesn't have any more lockers to give out so I have to leave my bag in her classroom and get my stuff whever I needed it.
So first period rolls around and I have Spanish. Sadly, I did not get a Puerto Rican gay guy for a teacher. Instead, I got this lady, who shall henceforth be referred to as Mrs. Man. Mrs. Mann looks like a femal version of Austin Powers. I don't want to be mean but she does.
Next came French class. Will I have a sexy french teacher? Nope. I get Madame Z, which sounds like the name of a dominatrix, but sadly she doesn't look dominatrixy at all. French is the only class that there isn't so many people in it that some have to stand. In fact, there's only like ten of us. That's pretty cool.
After that was scenic Geometry. "Why so scenic?" you ask? Because the teacher is a babe. That's pretty much the payoff for taking the class, of which I am one of the six freshmen in a class of thirty.
Next was History, and my History teacher has the best name for a teacher, Mr. Fayle. He is pretty cool though. He reminds me of a wrestler, because if you close your eyes and listen to him talk it almost sounds like he's challenging Abe Lincoln to a No-Rules Match on Smackdown. (by the way, I heard Abe Lincoln was gay, he's my new favorite president).
So then I had to go to English. I had to turn in a paper I'd written over the summer so I went back to my homeroom to get it out of my bag and surprise! The door's locked. Cool. So I go to class and it turns out my English teacher is not only really nice, but also way hotter than the Geometry teacher. This makes me happy. It brightens my day. And she also let me hand my paper in at the end of the day.
Then after that, I had to go where no freshman has gone before...well actually, no. Every freshman has been to Gym class, but I just wanted to build tension. So after we got showed around the gym, feildhouse, and locker rooms, we got to sit on the bleachers and talk for a half hour before we were finally released from that little slice of hell.
So if you've been keeping track, you'll know that my last class was Science! I don't like my Science teacher. Why? Because when I told her how my last name is pronounced, she politley informed me that my name doesn't follow grammar rules, and I informed her back that I come from a family of rebels. Because its true.
So that was the end of my day, I went back to my homeroom, grabbed my stuff, including the textbooks I'd gotten today because I don't have a locker to keep them in. I turned in my English paper and went outside to chill with my peeps before walking home. So that was my marvelous day!
Now for some ramdom thoughts because I don't feel like posting two other journal entries about them:
1. Last night I had a dream about my first day of school. I was sitting at my desk and the teacher was standing right in front of me and saying, "Tell us something about you we don't already know."
So I stood up and looked around the classroom at my peers, and then I said, "I'm gay! Betcha didn't see that coming!"
The whole classroom was silent and then the girl who was sitting next to me stood up and was like, "I'm gay too. Wanna go out?"
And I was like, "Hells yeah!" So we hugged each other and a little rainbow formed over us and then I woke up. Good dream.
So today at the end of science class the teacher said the exact same thing, "Tell us something about you we don't already know." and I was sitting at the back of the classroom, FREAKING OUT because sometimes I talk before thinking, and it'd be really bad if that was one of those times. So luckily the bell rang before it was my turn and I got out of there. Moral of Story: Think about what you're going to say instead of staring at the girl on the other side of the room before you get picked on by the teacher and you actually profess your love for her instead of answering the question.
2. So I saw the commercial for House(one of my very favorite shows) and in the commercial a lesbian sex scene between Thirteen and the patient of the week is strongly hinted at, like with lights and arrows and that strong of a hint. Now I have a huge crush on Olivia Wilde(the actress who plays Thirteen) and I'm very very very excited for the season premeire. So I'll be watching that... :)