Racist sexual stereotypes, who doesn't love them?

Oct 01, 2009 21:22

1500 women from 20 different countries were polled to find out the world's "best" and "worst" (male) lovers, by nationality. It's quite hilarious and co.

While I couldn't possibly comment on any of these, being the meek and virginal girl that I am (oh wait), I find most of the reasons to be so ridiculous. All Greeks are too lovey dovey? Lovey dovey? 1500 women used the phrase lovey dovey? Who says that anymore? No one says lovey dovey. Lovey dovey as dead as the loser cough. Or maybe I'm wrong, who knows. (*cough*loser*cough*)

No reasons were given for why the nations of studs were so studly. Presumably we're just meant to know. Good day to be Spanish I suppose. I wonder if any guys from countries on the top ten list will print this out and bring it to bars? Possibly that might undermine their suave though...

I was insanely proud of my tiny amount of Irish blood though, choosing to ignore the fact that my lazy and loud English and Scottish blood is more plentiful, and the fact that I'm a woman, when I first read this.

Aaand I said I wouldn't comment, but I was lying.

1. Germany (too smelly) Hadn't heard that one. Who knew?
2. England (too lazy) The men of my glorious homeland? Lazy? Well... I'll give them that
3. Sweden (too quick) Well they are tall, broad and blonde, I suppose you can't have everything
4. Holland (too dominating) Oh come on, that's a blatant stereotype! And who says that's a bad thing
5. America (too rough) Ditto the above
6. Greece (too lovey-dovey) Must be all the gays
7. Wales (too selfish) Oh definitely, yes. Not even going to pretend otherwise. :P
8. Scotland (too loud) Do they bring bagpipes?
9. Turkey (too sweaty) This poll is getting more plausible by the minute
10. Russia (too hairy) I'd have said too alcoholic if I was going to be make a blanket racist statement, but each to their own

1. Spain But of course. Hot blooded Spaniards, who's surprised at this?
2. Brazil Clearly the best alternative if there are no hot blooded Spaniards available
3. Italy They also do very good pasta
4. France Oui, oui, but of course
5. Ireland Sexy little leprechauns that they are
6. South Africa Liberate me from apartheid, if you know what I'm saying (I don't)
7. Australia Throw another... no I can't bring myself to it, it's too cheap a pun. And I never thought I'd say that
8. New Zealand Oh yis
9. Denmark Those Great Danes. Woof. (Oh god, I feel so dirty...)
10. Canada Thus proving that in all ways, Canada is better than the US

My poor selfish Welsh lover. (He's well not though. Shh.)

P.S. All opinions expressed in the poll belong to those 1500 slags who've apparently slept with men from every country in the world.
P.P.S. I'm sure they're not slags really. And really, people in glass houses, so I'll shut up now :P

lol, bad sex- there is such a thing?, wtf?, other such acronyms, nom, highly sexed zombie voodoo midget magic, opinions etc.?, a bit irish, i am such a whore

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