Shut up

Aug 28, 2009 18:14

Without wanting to rain on the parade of the 'Jonatton Yeah is a Prick' club, I thought I should say something in my capacity of president, treasurer, secretary and, oh yes, only member of the 'Jonatton Yeah is the Love of My Life and Father of my Child' club.

Firstly, he is the love of my life and the father of my child, so I'll admit to being slightly biased.

And secondly, I am getting sick of being told he isn't good enough for me. Aside from anything else, that is my decision and not anyone else's. If I think he's good enough for me then he's good enough for me, it's a very simple equation. I don't want anybody else. It's just him and I sincerely hope that it will be him and only him for the rest of my life.

STOP telling me I've made a mistake. STOP using ME to have a go at him, I'm really serious. I am not a helpless bystander to my own life, I am well able to decide things for myself and I was NOT taken advantage of.

You don't care about him, BUT I DO. You didn't hold him while he was wracked with pain and shaking, trying not to cry because he didn't want to upset you, but I DID. You don't have to watch the person you love in agony, maybe if you did you wouldn't be so cavalier about throwing around words about the person I love. So STOP making it harder for him. Because that's all you're doing. Do you think it's easy to give up a ten year addiction cold turkey, just like that? Do you think that telling him he's a junkie scumbag and useless and irredeemable is going to just bounce off him?

This does not concern you, any of you. He's mine and I'm his and I'm sorry if people are upset by that, but ultimately, it's not about to change any time soon.

In other news,

I want more than anything to keep this baby safe and loved. If I didn't think he could do that, I wouldn't be with him.

i am not a damsel in distress, baby, but i love him, feud, babies are great, fuck it all, capslock rage, jonathan, picspam, family, fight, pregnant

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