oh, no.

Jun 18, 2007 15:47

I found this article on FDL. Made my blood run cold. I can't believe Senator Obama would let this stand! I just...can't believe it.

Tick Tock. . . Tick Tock. . .
By: Pachacutec

The audacity of. . . what now?

For those of you who missed it, the Obama campaign launched an attack on Hillary Clinton laden with racist, anti-Indian code to make Lou Dobbs proud. In fact, the Obama opposition research memo calls Senator Clinton “(D-Punjab)” and quotes Lou Dobbs prominently in support of its arguments. Go read the whole thing.

The non partisan US India Political Action Committee is asking Obama to respond directly to his campaign’s use of racist stereotypes, but so far, here’s the Obama campaign’s version of taking responsibility, with no word yet from Obama himself (emphasis added):

“Barack Obama has been a longtime friend of the Indian-American community and our campaign is fortunate to have strong support from Indian Americans across the country. The intent of the document was to discuss the issue of outsourcing, but we regret the tone that parts of the document took,” he said in the statement.

Hey, look what that crazy document did, all by itself, taking that offensive tone and all.

For the record, I’d be quite happy for the Democratic presidential hopefuls to make the differences among them more clear for the voters. Right now these differences are blurred as they appear afraid to open up a cycle of mutually assured destruction, but the voters need to see who’s on audition and what they each have to offer.

Senator Clinton’s views on trade, and her associations with known union busters like Mark Penn, are all fair game. But if Obama’s “new kind of politics” means he’s willing to throw people of color under the bus to make the point, well, I’d have to say, I suppose that’s information we should all have as well.

The longer Obama is personally silent about all this, the more he owns that memo written by a staffer.

Tick tock, tick tock.

Link back to original post

There are a couple things I want to add to the above. Turns out that Hillary Clinton gets credit for creating the "(D-Punjab)" joke at a fundraiser hosted by Dr. Rajwant Singh, joking that, '"I can certainly run for the Senate seat in Punjab and win easily", after being introduced by Singh as the Senator not only from New York but also Punjab.' [India Abroad, 3/17/06]
That fact, however, does NOT excuse the Obama campaign. Not at ALL. Racebaiting is racebaiting, and that's exactly what this Obama attack is.
I just can't believe this! Of all people, you'd think Senator Obama would be the last to take a cheap shot at "brown people". It's a standard right-wing neocon tactic--why the HELL is he doing it?!
God, I am just FURIOUS. Furious and so deeply disappointed. Now I am not sure who to put my support behind. I thought it would be our good Senator from IL...but if he doesn't PERSONALLY dismiss and/or apologize for this awful statement real soon my support will be dropped completely.
*sigh* I guess my naivete' is showing. I thought we (Democrats) were better than the Republicans, but it looks like we really aren't very different after all.

I am seriously considering changing my voter registration to Independent. I'll give this time to pan out, but if nothing is done to make amends then I am FINISHED with the Democratic Party...and oh, saying that makes my heart ache.
But...I refuse to stand behind racists and racist behavior of any kind. That's what this is, and it'll drive me out if it isn't fixed.
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