A slice of bigotry to go, please.

Jun 14, 2007 16:19

I just read this article by Pam Spaulding over at Pandagon. Oh man, I am so pissed!
Here. Check it.

I haven’t had the pleasure of reading a pointed attack on black lesbians recently. I had to be satisfied with taking a pummeling as a black woman when Don Imus cut a funny on the air a while back. It’s pretty much open season on gays generally, as you see in post after post on the blog.

It was almost refreshing to see what spilled from the hip-hop blog of Byron Crawford (posting as Bol). The general topic of the post is discussion-worthy - the lack of many black women in either Maxim’s Top 100 as well as AfterEllen’s Top 100, and the ones there are light-skinned (dnA points out Rihanna/Maxim and Jennifer Beals/AfterEllen). Bol’s comment:

"One thing you’ll notice though is that there’s arguably less black women in the top 10 of the lesbian list than there was in the top 10 of the Maxim list, which was cause enough for some feigned outrage in progressive circles.

I say arguably because the top 10 of the lesbian list includes Jennifer Beals, who I believe was generally thought of as a cracka-ass cracka back when she had a career, but is apparently black in the same way that Mariah Carey is black. But it’s entirely possible that the dykes who put together the AfterEllen list had no idea of this."

The whole sick, sad colorism thing deserves its own post (I’ve discussed it before here). It came back to the fore in a recent study of black college students indicated that 96% of the men preferred a medium to light complexion in women while 70% of women found light skin of value in men.
Read the rest of the article.
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