I'm not sure whether to take this as a joke or...seriously. If it is serious...then perhaps I'm flattered. Or irritated at the invasion of privacy...I'm not yet sure.
...I don't really have the right to investigate without Cissnei, but I can come over and take a quick peek at things if you like. Crime Scene Investigation is pretty standard... as long as all the notes aren't touched and I can take a couple of them in, they can be print tested.
From there it'll be easier to determine if it's a prank or a serious threat... lest the culprit steps forward before we get that far.
What kind of notes were left? Did you touch them?
The tamest one I have read thus far states "The next time you undress, please do it like a strip tease."
Others go into detail about watching me, smelling me. Or rough copulation.
...as I said. Either an elaborate prank or...well...I am not sure.
From there it'll be easier to determine if it's a prank or a serious threat... lest the culprit steps forward before we get that far.
The door is unlocked. I will touch nothing while I wait.
I'll knock before entering, just to let you know I'm coming in.
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