(no subject)

Jul 08, 2005 16:16

urg. this is not a good test for mindless-15-year-old-girl-who-like-boys-who-likes-boys sinse most of the shall be blank.

>put an "X" by the things you have done
>( ) smoked a cigarette ..i can't breathe around smoke.
>( ) smoked a cigar
>(x) Kissed but not made out.. o_o depends on what kind of kiss.
>( ) crashed a friend's car
>( ) stolen a car
>( ) went Skinny dipping (more then once heh heh)
>(x) been dumped
>(x) shoplifted.
>( ) been fired
>(x) been in a fist fight
>( ) snuck out of my parent's house. no need. i convince my parents to let me go XD.
>(x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
>( ) been arrested. *slowly* no.....
>( )made out with a stranger
>( ) gone on a blind date
>(x) lied to a friend
>( ) had a crush on a teacher
>(x) skipped school
>( ) seen someone die or saw them dead. yeah. i couldn't stand seeing angie dead. so  i didn't go to her awake.
>( ) had a crush on one of your myspace friends
>(x) been to Canada
>( ) been to Mexico
>(x) been on a plane
>( ) thrown up in a bar
>( ) purposely set a part of myself on fire
>(x) eaten Sushi. love sushi but ya-sun and lina we shall never go to that horrible restuarant in downtown ever again.
>( ) been snowboarding
>( ) been in love *shrug*
>( ) been in an abusive relationship
>( ) taken painkillers
>(x) love someone or miss someone right now
>(x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
>(x) made a snow angel
>( )xD had a tea party. no.
>(x) flown a kite
>(x) built a sand castle
>(x) gone puddle jumping
>(x) played dress up.  i think so...
>(x) jumped into a pile of leaves
>(x) gone sledding
>(x) cheated while playing a game. taha. yes. when i was younger.
>(x) been lonely. more than you know.
>(x) fallen asleep at work/school. no. but i have during this thing when all our councelors where talking about this stuff. it was weird. i totaly passed out.
>( ) used a fake id
>(x) watched the sun set
>( ) felt an earthquake. sadly, i slept through  most. xD
>(x) touched a snake. *nodnod* they feel cool.
>(x) slept beneath the stars
>(x) been tickled
>(x) been robbed. damn people.
>(x) been misunderstood. o so much.
>(x) pet a reindeer/goat
>(x) won a contest. taha. as if. unless you count the drawing fair contest thing.
>( ) ran a red light
>( ) been suspended from school
>( ) been in a car accident
>( ) had braces. getting them at least.
>(x) felt like an outcast. yeah, try for they past two years. damn americans. all blond and bitchy. i was the only russian person in my whole school.
>( ) ate a gallon of ice cream... hehe...i wish.
>( ) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
>(x) had deja vu. all the time.
>(x) danced in the moonlight
>(x) hated the way you look
>(x) witnessed a ‘crime’. i think.
>( ) pole danced
>(x) questioned your heart
>(x) been obsessed with post-it notes. :oo they are so much fun.
>( ) squished barefoot through the mud
>(x) been lost. yeah, but i eventually found my way.
>(x) been to the opposite side of the country. yes, i've lived in like 4 different countries. so have amny people.
>(x) swam in the ocean
>(x) felt like dying
>(x) cried yourself to sleep. yes. last night :ooo.
>(x) played cops and robbers
>(x) recently coloured with crayons/colored pencils/markers. yes i was abored and did grafitti on paper.
>(x) sung karaoke
>(x) paid for a meal with only coins. uh-huh it was like 4 bucks.
>(x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't. all the time.
>(x) made prank phone calls. taha. yes.
>(x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose. sadly yes.
>(x) caught a snowflake on your tongue
>( ) danced in the rain. no bbut i lately wanted to.
>(x) written a letter to Santa Claus
>( ) been kissed under a mistletoe.duh. i don't understand christmas.
>( ) watched the sun set with someone you care about
>(x) blown bubbles. so much fun adnvery amusing too.
>( ) made a bonfire on the beach
>( ) crashed a party
>(x) gone roller-skating
>( ) had a wish come true. not really.
>( ) worn pearls. yes. sadly yes.
>( ) jumped off a bridge
>( ) xd screamed penis in class. taha. i remember hana doing that.
>( ) ate dog/cat food
>( ) told a complete stranger you loved them.
>(x) kissed a mirror w/ lipstick or w/out. naha. yes.
>(x) sang in the shower
>( ) had a dream that you married someone
>( ) glued your hand to something or someone
>(x) got your tongue stuck to a flag pole. not on a flag pole but on a spoon o_o.
>( ) kissed a fish
>( ) been a cheerleader. *scurries away* NO!
>(x) sat on a roof top
>(x) screamed at the top of your lungs
>(x) done a one-handed cartwheel. yes. i have also done one hand front flips. they'e fun.
>(x) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
>(x) stayed up all night
>( ) didn't take a shower for a week
>(x) pick and ate an apple right off the tree. uh-huh. we had two apple trees in sault ste.marie. well we still own the house so yeah.
>(x) climbed a tree
>( ) had a tree house
>(x) scared to watch scary movies alone
>(x) believe in ghosts. haven't you ever seen those creepy shows. they're awesome.
>( ) have more then 30 pairs of shoes
>(x) worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say
>( ) gone streaking
>(x) played ding-dong-ditch- ( that’s when you ring the doorbell then run away)
>( ) played chicken
>(x) been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
>(x) been told you're hot by a complete stranger. yes, the other day.
>( ) broken a bone. nope but cracked one.
>(x) been easily amused. yes! ALL THE TIME!
>(x) caught a fish then ate it
>(x) caught a butterfly
>(x) laughed so hard you cried
>(x) cried so hard you laughed:
>( ) mooned/flashed someone
>(x) had someone moon/flash you. yes. heidi, didn't enjoy it.
>(x) cheated on a test. >>; yes....
>( ) made out in the rain
>(x) have a Britney Spears CD. very sad. i did when i was 9. i hate her.
>(x) forgotten someone's name
>( ) slept naked
>(x) French braided someones hair. yes, its easy.
>( ) gone skinny dipping in a pool. *shakes head*

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