
May 05, 2005 11:48

No one that you ever knew, or loved,
or who loved you, or anyone who was ever anything to you
that made you think that they might be as real as you are,
ever proved that all six billion of the rest of us aren’t all in it together against you.

How can you trust really.

We put so much faith in those around us, at the end of the day they wont be there for you, only you will be there for you. Your family will die, your friend will leave you or betray you and at the end of the day you will have no-one left to even yourself. If you could trust yourself, then why are there so many hurting people out there, why are there so many murders, rapes and beatings?

This world lacks a real reason to trust, but we blindly trust when we should not.

Some people, can not even trust their heart.
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