[At first all you can hear is
faint music, the song vaguely identifiable as being in Greek. A few moments later a male voice joins it, his pronunciation slightly off and halting. Soon enough it ends and the voice sighs.
Seemingly thinking that the recorder hadn't been on until now he starts to speak.]
There are days... when I sincerely hate what I've done with my life. Never my distant past; I'm quite content with that. It's what I've done recently that I loathe. Lying to her. Staying here.
Before Kuro was returned to me... I had no qualms staying here for the rest of her life. It was only proper, after all. She raised me, put up with me when I was an ungrateful child. I can't leave her. [soft laugh] I never could, really.
And then I found Kuro and the tournament happened and suddenly it felt like home again. It was a feeling I missed. [chuckles again] It was a feeling I liked. It was nice, being myself again with no questions asked.
[He's quiet for a long moment, only the white noise indicating that the recording was still active] I should go back, to be with Kuro as we used to be. To do as we used to do. But... I have school to finish, my mother and younger brother to take care of. [A deep sigh] I don't know what to do. But... I have time to decide. Time tends to be there always.
[And feed cuts out. All replies will be in voice unless otherwise noted.]