Kurama sighed, watching Kuronue. This was the second time he'd had to deal with the bat not knowing him in the span of a month. The last one was a virus, but this...
Whoever that girl was, he was going to find her and kill her, but not until after he tortured her for her indiscretions. No one lived to speak about doing harm to Kurama's if he had
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Without bonds to build up levels of trust and friendship, he was left with only the creature he'd been long before Kurama and he had ever met. The street sense he'd taught himself, to trust no one, for any reason. A kind hand could open-palm slap the shit out of a body just as easy as a cruel one.
He flinched back and stared at Kurama's outstretched fingers. They were clawed, just like his. The guy was tall, really damn tall from Kuronue's crouched perspective. He looked white all over, and smelled like a fox. It bemused him that he knew what the fuck a fox was, but didn't know his own name. It hurt to move, but he shook his head anyway, and made no move to take the hand. "... d'nno you," he muttered again, frustrated, "got no reason to trust you. You could be with her, I ain't goin' anywhere with any of you."
Injured animals hid alone. So would Kuronue.
"I know you don't, Kuro-ai. And I can't blame you for being untrusting. After what that woman did... I wouldn't trust me either." He smiled, though it was a sad smile. "I won't take you from here. I only want to know you're safe. You would be if I'd been here to start with." He shook his head, knowing now wasn't the time to blame himself for what happened; it was over and done with and all they could do now was recover and then seek revenge.
"My name is Yoko. We're partners, you see. I trust you beyond all others. And I want to help you. But if you don't want me to... I won't. I'll just sit here with you."
That woman claimed she'd come back and then he'd perish. He didn't want to perish, she'd already taken everything inside of him, he didn't want to lose the outer shell too.
He made no move to kick away or bolt free of the alley when Yoko settled close-by. He just watched, hyper-aware of him, and -
reeking of blood. He was injured, somewhere. Likely a good reason why he was holding so still, why he wasn't running. Tricky bat.
He could smell the blood; it filled the area with the faint copper scent. It was all Kurama could do to keep still, not frantically search for the source. Sudden movements would only serve to frighten him, possibly make the injury worse than it was.
"She won't come back for a while," he said absently. "If at all. If she really could kill you, she would have done so by now. She would have killed everyone else she's stolen memories from. There's little sense in wounding your prey and coming back for it so much later. Too high a chance of the victim recovering or relocating to a safe area."
A thread of blood was beading and winding its way down the arc of the closest wing to Kurama, tracing into the grooves of leathery skin... She'd managed to knock him flat on his face with whatever it was she'd done. Apparently her 'shove' had left damage.
"She could be just toyin' with me. She can kill me later. If I don't know everythin' I used to, 's easy to use it against me," he piped up finally, fingers tightening into helpless fists. "She can kill me right easy when she has a mind to finish it."
He shook his head. "She won't as long as I'm here. I won't let her. She'd have to kill me first, and I don't plan on dying any time soon you see. So you'll be safe, I swear."
Glancing at the crimson trickle, he asked "Do you mind if I tend to your injuries? I'll understand if you don't, of course."
He rustled uneasily, then finally scooted an inch or so away from the wall, shuffling around with one last glance over a bruised shoulder. He had to spread his wings to show Yoko the extent of damage - and it wasn't pretty. While it could have been much worse, he still had a big bloody, ugly-bruise spot between his wings where he'd been hit. The sensitive base of one wing was injured as well, which made it harder to spread and move than the other.
Not to mention the usual rigmarole of scrapes and bruises from face-planting on a concrete street, but to someone like Kuronue, that was nothing.
He reached a hand out slowly, lightly touching the injuries to determine how bad they were, trying not to cause more pain than he had to. "They're better than I was afraid they'd be," he said softly. "It will sting when I treat them, however. I apologize."
With that he pulled out a seed, the same one he'd used to treat Kaito back in April and again back in June after they'd rescued the bat, and set it to grow into the full plant. Pulling off a flower bud, he set to work, squeezing the antiseptic nectar onto the worst of the injuries.
"O-ow ... what're you doin'?!"
"I apologize. I'm only cleaning it before I bandage it. That way it doesn't get worse. I'd be easier, but... it's very strong."
"... 't hurts."
"I know it does, Kuro-ai. It'll stop soon though, promise." Once he finished with that one, he lightly did the same to the other wounds before pausing long enough to pull out bandaging. "I'm going to bandage you now, all right?" With that he set to work, gently wrapping the injured wing first.
He didn't like having his back and most sensitive areas exposed to someone. Just because his own remaining honor code left him leery to ever attack from behind, it hardly meant the rest of the world would cater to the same noble character trait.
Still, no painful digging in of claws ever came, no sharp bites or ripping, red hurt. Just more gauze.
He finished with the wing and began work on the spot in between the wings. "You should keep these clean while they heal, which shouldn't take much longer than a week or two. If the bandaging gets dirty I'll have to redo it."
He didn't remember ever smelling anything that acrid or bad before. How it could be helpful, he didn't know, but he'd humored this long enough.
"What's it even mean?"
He placed it and the first aid kit back into his hair and looked awkwardly to the side, wrapping his arms around his knees.
"It means 'Kuro-love'."
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