I'm now FIFTEEN weeks pregnant (can you believe it?!) and Pregnancy Insomnia has set in! So since I can't sleep, please enjoy this quiz! And feel free to do it yourself if you like! ^_~ (I wish we had smilies in our LJ's)
1. If you're being extremely quiet whats it mean?
I'm sleeping! It's the only time I AM quiet! And even then, I'm know to talk
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It's funny how as you get older, those quizzes seem less and less relevant to your life. I so laughed at your answers to the the pregnant question and the crush questions. Puts everything in persepective!!
I so can't believe your fifteen weeks already! It seems like days ago that you were saying you were 12 weeks, and only days before that 9 weeks. It's so cool that its started kicking! I never got to feel Briana kick when Megan was pregnant. She never seemed to kick for anyone but Megan.
I still haven't seen Briana; they've moved all the way to Ladley which is like an hour's drive from Brissy and I simply do not have a spare day to go all the way up there. I have seen plenty of pictures though, and she's gorgesus. She's a real tubbo, baby buddha, cause she's formula fed and they always tend to be little buddhas. Apparently, she's got a bit of temper now too. Her aunt was telling me that she kicks people now when she doesn't like what they're doing!! She's a fiesty red-head like her aunt and mummy. So wanna see her!!!
Anyway, hope you can get some sleep!!
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