Aug 18, 2008 08:46
I know some of you already know this...I'm behind on my fandom sue me O_o
ok soo.. apparently series 3 of Torchwood is going to be a 5 episode mini-series event...yeah only *grumbles* it better be REALLY good...
also there will be a special radio episode of Torchwood taking place at the LHC that will be broadcast on "Big Bang Day" (sept. 10th) so if the whole world is in danger of being swallowed by a black hole of our own making** Torchwood is there to save us YAY!...on second thought..this could be bad..O_o where's The Doctor when you need him?*
*Yes I know that Torchwood and The Doctor are not real. No I am not that bat-shit crazy..what do I look like...The Master? ^_^
**And yes I know that if micro black holes are created, Dr. Rossler's calculations estimate 50 months to 50 years for them to grow large enough to destroy Earth. So, if we are screwed, we won't know it yet lol. O_o