Happy Freaking Halloween. [Locked, NFB]

Nov 01, 2005 00:02

So those assholes finally got around to noticing Kitty was missing. Maybe I was wrong, but I kept my mouth shut. I waited all weekend for someone to raise the alarm. While they were out with their mommies and daddies, dancing around in costumes and making out at the Halloween Ball, their friend has been dead.

I stopped at the clinic tonight, and Alanna gave me the third degree. I don't know why I came out and told her the truth of my involvement; Rube would kill me. I guess this thing has been eating at me since Thursday night, like this big gangrenous mass that'd kill me if I didn't cut it out. I just -- I couldn't take it anymore. Besides, it would've come out eventually anyway. Maybe my being honest with her will help me in the long run. I didn't even know Kitty before that night, but I liked her. What a fucking waste.

Goddammit, Rube. Goddammit. What the fuck was the point of this? Is this some sort of fucked up punishment? I was making friends with these people; it didn't seem to matter to most of them that I was this undead, antisocial freak. Now that I've had to reap one of them -- Well, it can't bode well for my continued acceptance.

How can I possibly convince any of them that I had no choice in the matter? None of them will care. None of them will believe me.


kitty, reaping

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