Obscenely Early Morning Notes To Self [Private, Locked, NFB]

Oct 24, 2005 08:48

Get a bigger bed. Spooning is Good; not being able to use one or more of your limbs after eight solid hours of spooning is Bad. It took at least five minutes for me to get full use of my right hand. My fingertips still tingle a bit.

Get a job. Being broke sucks. I used up every last cent to my name paying for dinner last night. Jayne's not allowed to pay my way any longer, and I'll have to insist on no more flowers. Not that dinner and flowers isn't nice or anything. I don't like what he does for a living, so enjoying the spoils of his exploits is mighty hypocritcal.

Having a boyfriend is nice. Say it out loud. Rinse. Repeat.

You're allowed to be happy. " "

And for God's sake, don't ask anymore questions. No, I don't really want to know what Jayne did with Solo or why. I'll never understand the why, anyway, and he'll never be able to explain it in a way that won't sound completely awful. Nor is it productive to dwell on whether he liked it or not, or if he thought of me while he was doing it. Just. Don't. Go there.


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