Aug 18, 2004 05:00
I finally got to party last night.. and yes it was amazing..
We had plans to go to Hergie's for the night for a sleepover but he called and fucked everything up so we made plans to go see Bernie.. but then we got in touch with Hergie again and he said it was cool for us to just come up and chill, and then we planned to just sleep in a parking lot or something..
Sam's brother got us Twisted Tea's!! Yeaaaahhhh!!
So we went to see Bernie, he is the cutest and I absolutely love him.. why can't I be 18!? I swear to God, I would do him soo hard.. he's the best kisser ever!!
Started drinking.. and left there to go to Richards to hangout with Hergie, Sac and Mr. Brown.. that was a good time, drinking is so much fun and Richard is the best and Hergie was kind of being mean but in the end everything worked out for the best and ofcourse we ended up sleeping over lol
I guess Brittany left to go to Mikey's for a bit..
I love disobeying the parentals.. so much fun..
Nothing up for tonight, gonna relax and go to Woburn..
<33 Bye.