(no subject)

Feb 14, 2007 17:46

February 8th 2007
The Fall of Troy, Tera Melos, Portugal the Man,and Damiera.

Thee most amazing concert I have ever seen! Tera Melos started things off and were awesome. They are a kind of progressive, psychedelic, really good band from the west coast. This is the first time they've come to the east and hopefully they will come again cause they are just really awesome musicians. Each band had, i guess, a 30 min set which for Tera Melos meant 3 songs. 3 very good songs. I bought there shirt after they played too. It's a cool shirt. Next was Damiera, who were good but nothing special. The lead singer could sing but his mike broke halfway through the second song, and the harmonies were good, but after that I pretty much lost all interest. They're good but so a alot of other bands that sound just like them. Next was Portugal the Man who I swear are reincarnated from the 70's. They look like they're from the 70's dress like they're from the 70's smell like they're from the 70's and most of all they play like they're from the 70's. They were very good. (If you like the 70's) It was a very smooth kinda of hippy music that made you very calm. It was cool. During they're performance they had The Fall of Troy and Tera Melos come on stage with them and everyone grabbed an instrument and they just started jamming. It was such an amazing musical experience. Videos here ---> After the jam and Portugal was done The Fall of Troy went on. They were the best band I have ever seen live. Ever. The music was crazy. Everything was just so much more than what was just on the album. And they played my favorite song, Act One, Scene One, the best with crazy improv solo added and the whole song seemed hyped up and a little faster which is crazy because it was a very fast song, guitar wise, already. Thomas just rocked the guitar so good. I wish I had video of it but i didn't want to stop watching them to take out my phone. The pit was also pretty crazy. Lots of pushing and such. Behind the pit there was also a little area for trashing with only a few people in it and someone who was crowd surfing got throw in to that area and hit the floor pretty hard. There was also a few black eyes and a guy missing a tooth with some ice and a cup of water. It was such an amazing concert! ^^ It makes me all warm a fuzzy inside.

February 10th, 2007
Dir En Grey, Bleed the Dream, Fair To Midland

So we traveled to the NYC to see Dir En Grey.(because the last show we were to see them at got flooded out) We got there checked into our hotel which was actually really nice. It was kinda weird cause there was pilgrim print everywhere (the wallpaper, the curtains, the headboard, the pillows) but it was still a cool hotel with great location. We were able to walk to Times Square, Penn if we really wanted to, Audrey's favorite bakery Minamoto, and of course Kinokunia where I got a really cool pocketbook, and we were right in the middle of all the plays cause it was in between 8th a Broadway. It was the Mayfair if you were interested. So after adventuring for a while we changed went to dinner across the street for the concert and then went in. Coat check was ridiculously long. -__- We missed the first band, Bleed the Dream, although we did meet the singer handing out CDs after the show, and we came in the last two songs of the second band, Fair to Midland. The whole two song we were trying to figure out why the singer was missing the big patch of hair on the side of his head and we ended up deciding on that some played a joke on him. And also why he spazed out the way her did. I was a mixed between a seizure and thrashing. It was interesting. So after that came Dir En Grey. They were good. I didn't expect them to be from other reviews but they were. We started out in the left back and ended up in front row center, unwillingly. It was awesome because we were so close but everyone around was so utterly sweaty and there was no personal space so everyone was just sharing sweat. Lovely. A few girls passed out form the heat and lack of oxygen and had to be carried out by security. Another girl got carried out for setting something on fire. The security guards during the concert had to throw water on people because they were passing out to much and I kept getting hit in the throat. That wasn't fun. But the music was awesome. An Kyo makes very interesting faces. O_O Yeah. Like I'm cockeyed and have a tick. They played mostly new stuff and they had some videos playing in the background. They also played a three song encore. They were in my opinion really good live. Definately worth going to see. And when the encore was done everybody booked to the coat check which was almost as violent as the concert itself. Pictures weren't allowed in this concert so I have no videos or pics. I do have video on my cell phone of the coat check line but I have no idea how to put them on my computer so....

Those were my concert experiences.
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