Greetings and Welcome to a special two part heartthrobbing episode of -da dada da- THE FIESTY ADVENTURES OF LEE AND MELISSA!!! woot
Part 1 - The Outing (Phase 1)
So we travel on down to -DUN DUN DUN- the mall... which is actually a pretty uneventful place but we find ways to amuse ourselves. Like molesting the Hollister manequines. >< There just so hott! Oh yeah baby. So anyway we saw an even hotter guy who wasn't made of plastic (At least I don't think he was o_O) working at one of those little island things next to the food court. So Melissa put on her I'm-to-sexy-for-this-mall persona and sashays over to him and asks if she could take his picture. (you know for a 'school project')He agrees and we get the picture. One should always have a camera on there personage. This camera just happed to be getting a little full to...
(Phase 2)
So first thing on our list of things to do was to stop by CVS to develop some pictures. So we walk (in the cold) down to Western (in the cold) and then to CVS (in the cold) I drop of the film, pick up some movies from across the street at Hollywodd video yada yada yada and then we catch a bus. But not only did we catch a bus but the bus came 1 minute after we stood at the bus stop. How awesome is that!!!? Pretty damn awesome if I do say so myself. So we go to -DUN DUN DUN- the mall. Yes...we went...again. I really don't know why. And I really don't remember what we did there either. Oh well. So after the mall we went back to CVS (in the cold) and picked up the pictures. Ahh the memories.
Melissa getting her ear peirced. Don't you just love that face.
The sexy guy that worked at that island thingie in the mall. His jeans had zippers on the butt pockets...sexay.
Melissa and the oh so sexy Hollister manequin. (I think she gave him her number)
My best freind Audrey sleeping in my bed.
Close up of my bridge piercing.
Ryan hiding in my bed.
Melissa just came into my room and started dancing...yeah.
Who's a genie in a bottle? I am bitches!!
Melissa and Ryan in my bed. Hahaha! I love this picture.
Part 2 - Lazy Dayz
So now that youv'e seen some funny stuff maybe I should fill you in on the funny things being said around these parts. Since it's finals week they have the cafeteria open after 8 for snacks like doughnuts and cookies and other sort of treats the make you fat when eaten in large quantities. And who do we happen to see in the cafe but our very own latin lover Omar. So Omar being the gentleman he is decides to sit with us and have a chat. (you know how i like chatting) Beside being hilariuos Omar is also a very smart guy. It just so happens while having our chat the he informed us that the Romans got paid in salt. Who knew. Omar did that's who. So putting on his very best Roman accent (and i must say he has quite the roman accent) he throws salt on Melissa's plate and says 'Be satisfied, peasent.' Hahaha...peasent...yeah. So anyway when we were at the mall Melissa picked up this little flash light that shines the Dark Mark from the Harry Potter movies (needless to say she was a little excited about it) and she showed it to most people that we came in contact with, including Omar. So now you have the two them shouting out spells in the cafeteria. Avada Kedavra! o_O Out of boredom I'm guessing we were throwing various items into a cup. At the end of our snack it contained milk, water, a gummy bear (;_; i wanted to eat that), brownie, salt, and peper. I must say it looked lovely. -barf- Anyway so Melissa being Melissa and doing Melissa-ish things puts another cup in the cup and it spills over. Hahaha. Silly rabbit. I thought that was funny. So anyway after that we we definatly done so we stood up and because Melissa is Melissa yet again and wearing Melissa-ish clothing we were getting the looks for the table of girls next to us. So Omar noticing this says 'No we're not all wearing that. Thanks for checking.' Hahaha. I love that boy. Then when we were walking out hes like 'Why don't you buy a TV and watch someting else.' Oh Omar. -sigh-
Scene 2
So the next night or maybe it was that night or the night after (Sometimes the days just blend together especially when it's finals week and you dont have class or anyhting else to do) we went to BOMBERS b'otch. To get some sock rocking tacos. Oh man. They make me cream my pants. So on the way tacos Melissa gets a phone call. She so excited she announced to the people geting off the bus 'I got a phone call and it's not my mom!' Poor Melissa. -_-' So who did call her? I'll tell you who. SEAMUS!!! That's right nitches. seamus called her. SEAMUS! And man that boy doesn't kno whow to talk on the phone. Melissa like 'So are you coming to Albany tonight?' and he's like "It's 8 o'clock.' and then she's like '...well are you coming to Albany tonight?' and I think the final decision was that he didn't know if he was coming to Albany. So after we get our tacos and Melssia is eatng hers and shes like 'This beef tastes like cow.' then I'm like 'It is cow.' then shes ike 'I retract that statement. Oh Melissa. -sigh- So after that we came back to campus. We take the bus and oh man we were reminded we go to SUNY Albany. You see only at SUNY Albany will you get on a bus at 9 and find a big group of people coming back from the club alreadydrunk off their asses. At 9:00 pm! But they were funny as hell. They were being all loud and roudy and then one girl screams 'Will you be quiet there are pedestrians on the bus!' and the other girl was like they're not pedestrians if they're on the bus.' So she replies 'You got me there.' Then the girl sitting in fornt of us which was this random white girl started talking to us. She was cool. she tunred out to be one of the RAs on campus. Man only at Albany. >< So after we got back we decided to watch one of the movies we rented. Melissa picked out this movie called Purple Butterfly which had Zhang ziyi in it and a cool cover. We had no idea what the movie was about but who cares. Well we kinda did about a half hour into it because we had no idea what was going on. Through out the whole movies there were maybe 20 lines spoken and about 10 minuetes worth of close up shots to this one guys face. And the movie was like 2 hours long! I'm never letting her pick the movies again. At a few points this bright white dot kept appearing in the coner of the screen and I'm like 'Grr. Why does it keep doing that.' and Melissa is like 'The film is probably just old.' and I'm like 'It's a DVD.' Hahaha. Oh boy. -sigh-
Scence 3
So the next moring we go down to brunch with Ed. Brunch with Ed is always funny. So we were eating(and Melissa always takes soooo much food that she doesn't finish half of AND she steals my syrup ><) and somehow Seamus came up and like myself, Ed loves the name Seamus. We were also talking about how Seamus fight with hos goats(o_O) and Ed interjects 'If my name was Seamus I would fight goats too. It would be the Irish thing to do.' Oh Ed. -sigh- So now Ed has decided he must legally change his name to Seamus so he can fight his goats.
I hope you all enjoyed our two part special and be sure to stay tuned for the next awe-inspiring episode of The Fiesty Adventures of Lee and Melissa -DUN DUN DUN- ( i love typing sound affects) I'm off! -woooshhh-