Jan 19, 2006 00:07
today was an adventurous day filled with mischeif and glee.
at 9ish i went out to breakfast with taurie, then we went to get her
car inspected. it passed. then we visited her boyfriend at work. who
later invited me to see the springfield falcons for free. which i
really appreciated. but after i got out of work i realized that my
brakes are super shitty and i cant go to the falcons game. im sorta
bummed, mainly i just feel bad that i had to kinda blow him off.
because i dont think he knows how much i appreciated the gesture. but
anyways, the rest of the day was filled with ultimate spiderman(which i
beat for taurie, cause shes a loser) and a tid bit of soul caliber 2.
fun fun!
but tomorrow i have to go and get my brake fixed, hopefully. and get an
oil change. because it is needed. i hate cars. why cant they frix
themselves? if i ever invent something, remind me to invent that, a
self fixing car.