Straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
This, children, is why you don't do drugs. Drugs are bad. Very, very bad. Now her brother claims she's bipolar. I'm not sure I believe this, because a.) I've known too many bipolar people to think that's the (sole) reason for her actions, and b.) her brother is sitting in front of a piano with a gold record on his wall, and it might be a really low way of promoting his music.
Even if she is, that may be a reason, but not an excuse. I have the disposition to have a short, violent temper, but if I punch you in the face for pissing me off, my actions still aren't justified.
The reason I'm going to hell is because I laughed my ass off about this song: should be sympathetic toward her....except she brought it on herself, and I'm all for laughing at people who do drugs when they make fools of themselves.
This one isn't as funny, except for this:
EIN.-"She need to get her ass checked out. The bitch need rehab. Nah, that shit ain't gonna work, the bitch need professional help. [So amateurs run rehab?] Nah, that shit ain't gonna work, the bitch need Jesus! Maybe that shit work."
-"Jesus, God, Baby Jesus, Santa Claus, even the fuckin' Easter Bunny! She need all those." I'm going to hell, and all of those people are coming with me.