(no subject)

Feb 02, 2004 23:18

Cold weather is the shit. I don't care what the rest of you crazy people have to say. I was driving home from work and had the window done and enjoyed seeing my breath as I drove. It was great! So Sunday night was hell from 12 hours of work but the best part camr at the end of the night. This guy leaves this wallet at someone's register. So she turns it into the manager. He looks through it for an ID and finds two bags of crack. It was great. So the manager doesn't know what to do and the cashier told him to call the cops. So he does and during this time, the guy comes back looking for his wallet. We will describe him as an angry looking latin american gentleman for political correct reasons. Well he was getting pissed cause it took the manager 20 mins to come up there and when he finally did, he was escorted by two cops. So we're all just sitting around cause we are supposed to be closed and just want to go home. About an hour later we are told we can leave, and as we are about to leave the store, we see the truck the guy came in pulling away. So good for him. I don't know, but today just felt better than any day in a long while. God I can't wait for A Perfect Circle. Medicated, drama queen, picture perfect, numb belligerence
Narcisistic, drama queen, craving fame and all its decadance. Fuckin A. Good to be back.
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