in which Nick watches Movies: Inception

Jul 19, 2010 01:35

Things I Liked:
- Outstanding visuals.
- It was an super interesting way to tell a movie - nests within nests.
- The cast was pretty good, though I still don't buy Dicaprio as an actor.
- The sound the theater made after the last scene. GLORIOUS.
- The wire-fu scenes were pretty awesome.

Things I Didn't Like:
- Man, I wish every major vista in my life was set to a throbbing bass note. "Hey, nice mountain! WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM."
- The last quarter of the movie took a lot of liberties with the premise - especially considering the target had a radio and could HEAR EVERYONE TALKING.

Obligatory Insensitive Clod Comment:
- Man, Ellen Page was working that suit. MmmmmHMMM.


It was a lot of fun, but much like Memento was at root a simple story told in an exceedingly complicated way. The novelty of the cinematography, though, glosses over that pretty nicely.


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