Jan 18, 2010 11:08
Saw it in 3D, but not IMAX.
Things I Liked:
- It was better than I expected. I expected utter crap, though, so that's not surprising.
- The water effects were surprisingly good.
- The 3D was pretty tasty.
- The CGI used on his legs when he was human was fantastic - they looked honest-to-good atrophied.
- It was fun?
Things I Didn't Like:
- Sigourney Weaver's character had one character trait - she smoked. And then that disappeared later in the movie.
- He learned an entire culture in 87 DAYS?! REALLY?!
- It's Ferngully with Wolves IN SPAAAAAAAAAAACE.
- Sully's decision to take the giant firebird was rather cynical.
Eh. It was fun, but I'm certainly not going to see it multiple times or own it or anything. Matinée?