in which Nick Experiments: Razor Blades: Dorco ST300

Jun 21, 2009 00:40

This week's test is the Dorco ST300 Platinum Blades. They're made in Korea and have a great name that I'd love to make stupid jokes about. They're packaged in a cardboard box the same as the Personna's from last week, but they have 10 blades while Personna's only had 5. Surely, that's not an indication of quality?


1000 ST300's could be had for $87.50 with shipping, and that's about $0.09/blade. Not bad. The 1000 ST301's could be had for $63 with $8 shipping, so that's about $0.07 a blade. Both are amazingly cheap, and that's a TON of blades. Though, given that you'd need to replaced them on a 1:1 basis I guess that makes sense.


Fantastic, as this SHIT BLADE was too dull to do much of anything. The physical appearance of the burn had no effect on it's lasting, dull ache.

Daily Scores (of 10):

06/12 - 10 - No issues.
06/15 - 9.0 - Minor burn.
06/16 - 9.0 - Minor burn.
06/18 - 9.0 - Minor burn.


This was a massively shitty shave - on Day 1, my whole face was still covered with a low levels of sharp stubble immediately after the shave was over, and as the week progressed it just got worse. Often, it didn't even look like I HAD shaved within the past 30 seconds, but rather had sometime 12+ hours prior.

Daily Scores (of 10):

06/12 - 7.0 - Low, sharp stubble all over face.
06/15 - 7.0 - Continued stubble all over face.
06/16 - 5.0 - Visible stubble all over face.
06/18 - 4.0 - Really? REALLY?

Wear and Tear:

Blade was worn down rapidly and mercilessly.

Daily Scores (of 10):

06/12 - 9.0 - Notable dings on the first day.
06/15 - 6.0 - The blade has lost all semblance of shine or edge. Wow.
06/16 - 5.0 - It's not getting better.
06/18 - 3.0 - And still.

Subjective - Feel of Shave:

This is intended for a 'feel' metric DURING the shave.

Horrible, horrible shaves. The blade was actively skipping about my face and tugging at the hairs (rather than, say, cutting them) from Day 1, and just got worse all the time.

Daily Scores (of 10):

06/12 - 6.0 - Blade is skipping about my face, tugging at hair and missing it otherwise.
06/15 - 5.0 - Blade continued to skip and tug.
06/16 - 5.0 - No real change over day prior.
06/18 - 4.0 - Other than tugging, blade just leaves face numb - no sensation from it working.

Subjective - Feel of Face:

This is intended for a 'feel' metric AFTER the shave.

The blade left rampant stubble and a rawness in the face that lasted most of the day. Truly, this was a TERRIBLE SHAVE.

Daily Scores (of 10):

06/12 - 7.0 - Face was raw most of the day and stubble-y from the get-go.
06/15 - 7.0 - Face was raw most of the day and stubble-y from the get-go.
06/16 - 5.0 - Continued stubble, but now the rawness lasts ALL DAY.
06/18 - 4.0 - Just pathetic.

Subjective - The Ladies:

Laurel, to her credit, fully agreed that this was a shit shave.

Daily Scores (of 10):
06/12 - 7.0 - Stubble.
06/15 - 4.0 - "Oooo, that's BAD."
06/16 - 4.0 - "Why are you still using this blade?"
06/18 - 2.0 - "Ugh."

Overall Score (out of 60) - 36.25

These blades are/were HORRIBLE. They suck in every conceivable way. They have no redeeming capabilities save that their name is sort of funny and they're retarded cheap. They're dull out of the box, cheap, and don't cut worth shit EVER.


Never, EVER buy. Their score is higher than the Crystal's simply because they didn't cut me.

review, razorblade review, science!

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