Formula Ugh:

Feb 10, 2007 02:11

It''s been a long time since I've posted in here. I've prowled the posts on my 'friends page' from time to time, taking special notice of Rohan Dodds' mid-twenties, accurately aimed angst/wisdom/misanthropy, Adam Mills' amazing digital penmanship, and occasional rhetorical questioning, Elizabeths love-life and growing pains/achievements, and a bunch of self promoting fun slides from various others... other lives are fun to poke at, so it's time to re-post a bit of mine. Poke away, or turn the page.

I'm out of here on the 28th of Feb, and it looks like a long haul. I haven't brushed up on my French, Japanese, or hustling skills, but the long plane trips, a french speaking partner, and silent time in foreign places will surely enable me to do so.

I plan to keep this thing as up to date as I can manage/bother/see fit etc, as opposed to my original plan of scrapping it and creating a journal for me and my family/close friends (whom I've discovered were a myth all along). This one already existed, and I like the simple black/gray layout. I also like ginger beer, hypocrisy, women, cobras and fish curry. Not all in the same place, although that would make for an interesting dinner party.

Love is better than most things.

P.S: Whilst in Japan, I get to see Converge, Envy and P.M.F.S, all on the same bill, in one night. Glory and heart attacks ahoy! I'll be happy if I don't see any more shows for the remainder of the year.
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