Shes been dying.

Jan 21, 2015 06:15

every color fades, but not the color of her pain
shes blue from years of broken feelings
no one sees her, they only see her shadow
shes breathing since its natural
her hearts so cold, she sits in silence
and her fingers grip on to the bed
give her life meaning, drag the sadness out
shes been fading for years
no one cares or can help
suicide is so forever
nothing for her is forever
options are gone,so she sits cold and alone
forever remembering her worth
equal or less than
never anything more
her poetry is rotten
her words are moldy
and her fingers are dying to express whats inside
shes cold,shes so cold
gripping onto the pen,the only way to escape
children cant forget their mom
so i hold out for them
maybe one of these days my soul will be resurrected
ill become alive without a pill
three weeks today and i feel so numb
not the right kind of numb though
please remember me, give this girl a smile
place inside her a heart
one that beats to live not to exist
im broken and so dead
each day a pain to live through
and no one sees the death inside
shes destined to die.
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