Fuck Off Cunts!

Jul 19, 2005 11:22

Im sick and everything hurts. I hate being sick and im not sick that often at all, but oh well shit happens. Im so tierd and i want a cigerrette but it kind of send's a pain through my throat??? Molly was extremely kind and took my sister and I to the movies last night, I fuckin hate it when she buys shit for me but  i guess ash is going to pay her back this thurday when she gets paid. I dont know things are just sort of wierd i suppose is the best way of putting it. A boy up here one of Mollys friends started pissing me off at a party because he  threw some things at me, but what pissed me off the most is how God damn disrespectfull he is towards Females when intoxicated. He knows that he is an asshole when drunk but just brushes it off in saying that his life sucks and drinking makes him feel better, but it comes to a point were he infrindges on other peoples opinions and issues, therefore he should take into consideration drinking may not be the best solution if it means insulting his Own Friends and taking advantage of there property. Any way I am completely fuckin pissed at my cousin for saying things that she should not have said, exspecially if she has no knowledge in whom she was speaking about. She can fuck off for all i care and take care of the two young children she has instead of getting plastered and thinking about herself and how she is going to have a good time.Grow the fuck up and i know that sounds hypacritical since im not doing anything with my life but shes 4 years older then I and has chosen the life she lives. Fuck this shit im going to go lay down.
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